This woman told prosecutors in 2021 that she had sex with Gaetz at a drug-fueled party that she was paid to attend, according to the woman’s attorney.
February 16, 2024

The revenge of Kevin McCarthy? The House Ethics Committee investigation started by McCarthy may well lead to the downfall this time of MAGA's pet weasel, Matt Gaetz. Via the Daily Beast:

When ABC News reported on Wednesday that the House Ethics Committee had acquired text messages between a young woman involved in the sex trafficking investigation and Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL), a Gaetz spokesperson told ABC that the congressman “does not know anything about the woman you’re referencing.”

That seems extraordinarily unlikely.

The Daily Beast can now report that this woman told prosecutors in 2021 that she had sex with Gaetz at a drug-fueled party that she was paid to attend, according to the woman’s attorney.

Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) leaves the Speakers office where the House Freedom Caucus is meeting with Speaker of the House Mike Johnson (R-LA).
This attorney told The Daily Beast on Thursday that the woman, in fact, received payments in connection with multiple sex parties with people in Gaetz’s circle. Her lawyer said that, in response to a subpoena, she testified about her experiences to the U.S. Attorneys investigating Gaetz. And she turned over text messages, photos, and other evidence to the Justice Department as part of its child sex trafficking inquiry into the Florida congressman, the lawyer said.

The Daily Beast has obtained some of those messages and photos, which match the documents described by ABC News.

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