February 14, 2024

One thing Republicans rely upon is an uninformed electorate.

So "sad to be them" in New York's current Third Congressional District, where the "average" voter has at least some college and apparently was PAYING ATTENTION to the border bill shenanigans in the House of Representatives.

Yes, there was a bipartisan border bill negotiated in the Senate that was the best thing Republicans had ever gotten or were ever going to get.

And yes, Trump said to tank the bill because I want to run on the crisis at the border, and House Republicans said, "Sir, yes, sir!" (An actually true Sir Story? Signs point to yes!)

And Dana Bash on CNN says she talked to voters who were mad about that.

DANA BASH: I heard from voters that they were very, now these are obviously very well-informed voters, but they were at the polling station, they were voting early.

And several of them said to me that they don't want to vote for the Republican because it's clearly impossible to get a solution on the issue of immigration.

They said border, the border problem, the immigration issue, the migrant issue in their district was the top issue for them, and that the fact that Republicans killed that bipartisan deal put them over the edge to vote for Tom Suozzi, and immigration was their top issue.

So I think that there's something.

A New Jerseyite on Twitter made this point, and it's true: "Honestly, it doesn’t matter whether it’s true (I'd be shocked if it was). And, in fact, any half-competent campaign would’ve planted these 'voters' for Dana Bash to talk to. But the fact that this message ended up in the mouth of a CNN talking head is huge."

So huge, in fact, that this morning a WASHINGTON reporter stood up and made the point. (And I say again: This is huge.)

Tom Suozzi made that point in the campaign and voters did pick up on it. Dems can go on the offense on "the border"? You're goddamn right they can. And win.

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