Only 91.7% of Florida kindergarteners received the measles, mumps, and rubella vaccine, short of the 95% vaccination goal. But okay, Laura!
February 28, 2024

Laura Ingraham weaponized a recent measles outbreak in Florida to baselessly malign unvaccinated migrants. Of course she did! Via Media Matters:

At least eight children in Broward County have contracted the virus, at least six of them at one elementary school, and an additional adult case was confirmed in Polk County. Experts say low vaccination rates are to blame. According to the most recent publicly available data, only 91.7% of Florida kindergarteners received the measles, mumps, and rubella vaccine, short of the 95% vaccination goal.

While the Broward County health department is still investigating the origin of the outbreak, Ingraham contended that unvaccinated migrants were responsible for the increase in outbreaks in Florida and around the country.

“Florida has seen the latest outbreak, with nine cases so far, so it's not just the spread of violent crime across the country caused by the open border, it’s the potential spread of contagious diseases,” she claimed.

She has a Fox show, so we know her real skill is in making sh*t up that validates MAGA talking points. And she's been blaming migrants for disease for years. It's Laura Ingraham -- like Tucker Carlson, no rational person believes anything she says.

Because then she might have to point out how Florida's surgeon general, Joseph Lapado, is telling parents to send their kids to school during a measles outbreak.

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