Special counsel David Weiss said former FBI informant Alexander Smirnov should not be released before his trial because he could flee the country at any time and has had contacts with Russian intelligence agents.
GOP Star Impeachment Witness Got Dirt From Russian Intelligence Agents
James ComerCredit: Getty Images
February 21, 2024

Special counsel David Weiss said former FBI informant Alexander Smirnov should not be released before his trial because he could flee the country at any time and has had contacts with Russian intelligence agents.

Smirnov, 43, is facing charges of making false statements that were reportedly about President Joe Biden and his son, Hunter. The longtime informant was a crucial witness in House Republicans' march to impeach the president.

In a 28-page memorandum filed Tuesday, Weiss argued Smirnov had the means to obtain a new passport because of his dual Israeli-American citizenship.

"While Smirnov has no ties to the community in Las Vegas, what he does have is extensive foreign ties, including, most troublingly and by his own account, contact with foreign intelligence services, including Russian intelligence agencies, and has had such contacts recently. Smirnov could use these contacts to resettle outside the United States," Weiss warned.

The document said Smirnov admitted links to "someone with ties to a particular Russian intelligence service."

"Smirnov's contacts with Russian officials who are affiliated with Russian intelligence services are not benign," the court was advised. "During his custodial interview on February 14, Smirnov admitted that officials associated with Russian intelligence were involved in passing a story about Businessperson 1."

"Businessperson 1" lines up with Hunter Biden's description, according to reports.


Working for Putin.

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