Fox News pundit Clay Travis, the founder of OutKick, blasted Taylor Swift on Sunday and hoped that her support of the Kansas City Chiefs would send the franchise down in flames.
February 5, 2024

Fox News pundit Clay Travis, the founder of OutKick, blasted Taylor Swift on Sunday and hoped that her support of the Kansas City Chiefs would send the franchise down in flames.

During an interview on the Fox News Media Buzz program, Travis reflected on news that Swift would attend the Super Bowl to root for her boyfriend, Travis Kelce.

"You weighed in on Taylor Swift a few weeks ago when you said she was partially responsible for the Kansas City Chiefs losing a couple of games," host Howard Kurtz told Travis. "Do you stand by that comment?"

"I hope that she's the Yoko Ono of the Kansas City Chiefs, and she destroys their dynasty and puts them down in flames," Travis replied. "That's why I am proudly supporting the San Francisco 49ers, America's team, on Sunday against Kansas City, Patrick Mahomes, Taylor Swift and Travis Kelsey."

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