From The New Republic:
Trump accused the paper and three Times reporters of conspiring with his niece Mary Trump, who has contributed to The New Republic, in an “insidious plot” to illicitly obtain his tax records. The Times published a series of stories on Trump’s taxes in 2018 that revealed the president wasn’t the self-made billionaire he claimed he was. In fact, most of his wealth came from his parents or from dodging taxes, as his businesses continued to bleed money elsewhere.
Trump lost the case bigly in May when a judge dismissed it and ordered him to pay the Times’ legal costs. On Friday, after reviewing the legal bills and associated costs, the judge ordered Trump to pay the entire $392,638.69.
Trump’s vengeful tendencies may soon cost him a lot more money. On Tuesday, a jury trial is set to begin as to whether Trump owes E. Jean Carroll $10 million more for defaming her after she won her first defamation case against him for $5 million.