Oklahoma GOP Votes To Censure Sen. Lankford Over Senate Border Talk
January 30, 2024

Right now Lankford is only at the "condemn" stage. The Oklahoma Republican Party or, depending on who you believe, an extreme faction of it that passed this resolution will go to full Defcon 4 if Lankford can reach a deal with the Democrats, and will "cease and support" for Lankford and formerly censure him.

Is that crazy enough for you? Well, to many Republicans, this is all completely rational and it's the Democrats who are always in disarray.

Source: Oklahoma Voice

OKLAHOMA CITY — Some members of the Oklahoma Republican Party voted Saturday to condemn U.S. Sen. James Lankford for working on a bipartisan immigration deal that they say runs counter to the state party’s platform.

But the former chairman of the Oklahoma Republican Party said the resolution passed Saturday, which stated the Oklahoma Republican Party will “cease all support” for Lankford, occurred in an illegitimate meeting and does not represent the views of all Republicans in the state.

Republican Party Vice Chairman Wayne Hill called a Saturday meeting of the GOP State Committee, which governs the party, to vote on a series of issues and resolutions, including the measure condemning Lankford.

In an email Hill sent to his supporters at 11:59 p.m. Saturday, he said 172 Republicans attended the meeting in Oklahoma City and 124 members of the State Committee approved the resolution criticizing Lankford.

One Twitter account called it "insane". (I can't disagree with this assessment.)

Their full resolution is just as batshit as it sounds, though is being championed by some high profiles in the far right.

Anthony Ferate, former OKGOP Chairman lashed out at the extremists who now control his party.

And then on Monday, the OKGOP released another statement calling the vote on Saturday "illegitimate."

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