January 2, 2024

A North Carolina pastor was arrested after allegedly attacking a McDonald's cook who works with his wife. Via WWMT.com:

The High Point Police Department said she called Dwayne Waden on Thursday and told him employees were "disrespecting" her while she was training to be a manager.

[...] Police said he showed up at the restaurant, walked around the counter, and put his hands around the neck of one of her coworkers.

Then, he started punching the victim in the face multiple times and pushing his head down toward one of the deep fryers.

Maybe I'm missing something here, but it sounds like Dwayne's wife doesn't have the skill set to manage a Mickey D's if she goes crying to her husband before she even starts the new position.

The police report said he suffered a "large contusion" on his forehead and right eye, as well as scratches on his neck.

Authorities watched the restaurant's security video and arrested Waden, 57, on charges of assault and battery. He posted his $1,000 bond.

According to his social media, he is a truck driver as well as a pastor at Elevated Life International Ministries.

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