January 4, 2024

House Speaker Mike Johnson on Wednesday made a Southern border trip and accused President Joe Biden of treason. We're pretty sure that this is the same guy who has been giving the previous President a pass for his attempted coup d'etat even though it's on video. And we're pretty sure that this is the same guy who gave Trump a pass for extorting Ukraine. We could do this all day, but my point is that the new House Speaker is not a serious person. He needs to get a job working for Joel Osteen's church instead.

"So we have applauded him," Johnson said of Gov. Greg Abbott. "We stand with him in that resolve and any other governor who's willing to draw the line and take that measure and remember everything they try to do."

"The White House has gone to court to stop everything they're trying to do to protect Texans," he continued. "The, the White House is going to take them to court and, and have it undone. It's, it's madness is the only word that we can think of to describe this and we hope it treason."

"I don't know; it comes to an end soon, and we're here to make sure that happens," he added. "Thank you all for being here."

Just last month, Johnson said that House Republicans are blurring footage from the Capitol attack before releasing it publicly because they don't want Jan. 6 rioters to be charged with crimes. In other words, he's giving lawbreakers cover so they don't get charged with crimes during an attack on American soil. Mike, you're not very law-abiding and order-y. I'd be the first one to admit that we have a problem at the border, so let's get some serious politicians in there to negotiate a solution instead of some insurrectionist-loving chud with a fake Black son.

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