January 21, 2024

Fox News host Maria Bartiromo faced disagreement from Rep. Michael McCaul (R-TX) on Sunday after she complained about his vote to fund the U.S. government.

"We begin this Sunday morning with Republican leadership coming up empty once again on securing the southern border as they agree to a third continuing resolution, once again extending the Democrat agenda set by then-House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer back in December of 22," Bartiromo announced as she kicked off her interview with McCaul.

"But in the end, they caved with 107 Republicans in the House and 26 in the Senate joining Democrats to continue funding the government with no money and no new security at the wide open Texas border," the Fox News host continued. "The chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, Congressman Michael McCaul, Chairman McCaul was one of the 107 House Republicans to join 207 Democrats in voting to keep funding the federal government through early March without new border funding."

"So why did you do it?" she asked McCaul. "Why did you kick the can down the road and continue funding this government when you are up close and personal at the border and you see the devastating impact?"

McCaul immediately punched back.

"Well, I didn't kick any can down the road," he said. "I didn't want to take my football and go home and not play on the football field. You can't win the game if you're not on the field. And the fact is, it would jeopardize our military readiness at a very dangerous time."

"Our veterans and you know what I was with our border patrol all day yesterday for me to come home and tell them we're not going to give you your paychecks to do your job," he added. "That's insulting. What we need, Maria, is about a month to get this right."

"I think we made the responsible decision going home with their football and not being on the field doesn't solve anything."

Bartiromo chose not to argue.

"Fair point, Mr. Chairman," she replied.

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