January 15, 2024

[Above, May 2023, Trump attorney Joey Tacopina gets heckled outside of court. -- eds.]

Just last year, Joseph Tacopina was on all of the typical news shows to defend Donald J. Trump, but now he's out. He's done, and a piece by the New York Times doesn't provide an answer to that. This is a blow to his client since Tacopina isn't in the same league as Rudy Giuliani or Alina Habba. Tacopina, even though it was fun mocking him, had the most success defending high-profile clients on Trump's legal team. Oh man, we don't have Tacopina to kick around anymore. Bummer.

Did he hear that everything Trump touches dies, or did he hear that he should get paid upfront? Maybe Trump wanted him to caucus for his campaign even if the insanely bitter weather kills him. Who knows.

The New York Times reports:

Joseph Tacopina, the trial lawyer on Donald J. Trump's legal team with the most successes defending high-profile clients, will no longer represent the former president in his criminal trial in Manhattan, according to a notice sent to the court on Monday.

Mr. Tacopina also withdrew on Monday from another case in which he was still legally representing Mr. Trump: an appeal of the verdict in a lawsuit brought by the writer E. Jean Carroll. Mr. Trump was found liable for sexual abuse and defamation last year and was ordered to pay Ms. Carroll $5 million.

It was not clear why Mr. Tacopina decided to withdraw, and he declined to comment.

His departure from the two cases comes as Mr. Trump enters a year of legal uncertainty. He faces four criminal indictments, and trials with dates that are up in the air. The trial in Manhattan, in which he is accused of falsifying business records to hide hush-money payments to a porn star during the 2016 election, could begin as early as March.

Its timing may depend on whether the federal trial accusing Mr. Trump of illegally trying to subvert the 2020 election is delayed. That trial is also scheduled for March.

Blabbity blabbity blabbity blab blab:

Asked for comment, Steven Cheung, a spokesman for Mr. Trump, did not directly address Mr. Tacopina's departure, saying only that Mr. Trump "has the most experienced, qualified, disciplined, and overall strongest legal team ever assembled" as he fights his various cases, which he has slammed as partisan efforts to prevent him from being re-elected president.

Sure thing, Mr. Man. I hear Lin Wood is free. Oh, sorry, he retired instead of facing disbarment. Womp womp!

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