The witness, Eric Schwerin, also a longtime business partner to Hunter Biden, acted as a financial adviser to Joe Biden from 2009 to 2017. He appeared in a closed-door impeachment hearing yesterday.
January 31, 2024

A former bookkeeper for the Biden family described by Republicans as yet another "whistleblower" didn't give Republicans the big bang they wanted for their mpeachment inquiry yesterday. He told members of the House Oversight Committee a closed-door hearing that he’d never seen any evidence that the president had enriched himself through his son’s international business deals. Via the Daily Beast:

The witness, Eric Schwerin, also a longtime business partner to Hunter Biden, acted as a financial adviser to Joe Biden from 2009 to 2017, performing various administrative and bookkeeping tasks for the then-vice president. Schwerin also helped Biden prepare his taxes and annual financial disclosure statements, and had access to his bank records.

“Based on that insight,” Schwerin said in his opening statement to the committee, “I am not aware of any financial transactions or compensation that Vice President Biden received related to business conducted by any of his family members or their associates nor any involvement by him in their businesses.”

“In fact,” he added shortly after, “I am not aware of any role that Vice President Biden, as a public official or a private citizen, had in any of Hunter’s business activities. None.”

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