Tulsi Gabbard and Fox News's Laura Ingraham had a bit of an overreaction to Robert Kagan's piece for The Washington Post in which he warns against a second Trump presidency, and how it could ultimately end up as a dictatorship. He quotes Liz Cheney, saying, "One of the things that we see happening today is a sort of a sleepwalking into dictatorship in the United States." Yeah, we've noticed that the other side of the aisle has been asleep for a few years.
Freedom-sucking Americans Tulsi and Laura took to the airwaves to protest by using their projection skills at an IMAX level. Tulsi and Gabbard think that if you call out Trump for being a petty petulant wanna potentate, then you are promoting violence against Lumpy.
"Tulsi, you're saying they're inviting someone to take a shot at Trump," Ingraham said. "I think you're right."
I know. I'm scratching my head, too.
"Yes, this is what is dangerous," Gabbard said. 'They're sending a message to a rogue actor, a lone wolf saying, "Hey, we need someone to save our country from this modern-day Hitler-like person."'
Last month, it was revealed that Trump is planning on rounding up immigrants if he's elected again, and then his administration will toss them in concentration camps, but don't you dare compare him to Hitler, you lefty weirdos!
How would calling out the guy who is probably jealous of Hitler, who also had an unquenchable desire for praise and adoration, be a call to violence against Der Gropenführer?
"I mean, unlike the Left, we don't believe in censoring people's speech, but by doing what they're doing and saying what they're saying, they can talk about dog whistles, that's a dog whistle to violence," Ingraham said. "If Hitler is in waiting, then you've got to stop Hitler."
Somehow, Trump rose from being a beauty pageant barker to wanting to round up immigrants to put in concentration camps, but it's the left who has issues, even though we don't support that gaseous gaslighting gasbag.
OK. Guys, get out and vote in 2024. I'm pretty sure that even former First Lady Snugglebunny knows that his supporters have an unhealthy emotional attachment to the man who is so severely damaged that his niece penned a book to warn America that cruelty is his raison d'etre.
As Brickman said on Twitter last April: Laura Ingraham is "actively stanning for a Civil War. Ingraham wants her viewers to start killing Democrats, in the name of keeping their "freedom". This is not acceptable. This is stochastic terrorism, never more clear."