December 18, 2023

First, let me get this out of the way: Who among us has never listened to Van Jones and said, "That dude should STFU"? I know I have.

The difference here is, I'm a dirty hippie blogger and Vivek Ramaswamy is actually running for president. When someone uses this kind of crowd-pleasing rhetoric when he's in a primary, imagine how far he would go if he was ever in office. Via the Daily Beast:

Republican presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy used a speech Sunday to tell CNN’s Van Jones to “just shut the fuck up” after Jones accused him of being a demagogue.

The foul-mouthed comment came in response to Jones’ take following the fourth GOP primary debate earlier this month, in which Ramaswamy said the Jan. 6, 2021, Capitol riot appeared to be “an inside job” and claimed the Great Replacement Theory is “not some grand right-wing conspiracy theory, but a basic statement of the Democratic Party’s platform.”

Afterward, Jones said on CNN that Ramaswamy is “dangerous.” Noting that Ramaswamy will likely “outlive Trump by about 50 years,” Jones said that he felt he was “watching the rise of an American demagogue that is a very, very despicable person.” “Literally, I was shaking listening to him talk because a lot of people don’t know that is one step away from Nazi propaganda coming out of his mouth,” Jones added.

And you know if Van Jones can't find a reason to praise a Republican, he is very scared indeed.

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