Mika Brzezinski pointed out this morning that Ken Paxton, Texas attorney general, considers it a compliment to be called Trumpy.
"The man is so desperate to mimic Trump that he behaves in a cruel, brutal fashion. And won't back down, as an ill woman is physically and emotionally destroyed. That woman, Kate Cox, her health is in danger, because of Ken Paxton who is using laws against abortion -- thank you, Donald Trump, Leonard Leo and many others-- to make sure her suffering is the most it can be," she said.
"We've got to wake up. We need to wake the hell up. This country has lost so much already. Women have lost so much. Whether you're a Democrat or a Republican, a man or a woman, please look at the face of this moment in time. Kate Cox could be your daughter, your sister, your wife, you. Kate Cox is 31 and needs an abortion. Her physical and emotional well-being is in peril. Her developing fetus has trisomy 18, a rare chromosomal disorder that is likely to produce stillbirth, where she gives birth to a dead baby.
"Or her baby will survive the birth and will die shortly after. she will watch her newborn, Kate will, suffer, gasp for air and then die. There are also other risks, that's the reason she needed an abortion, of bringing this pregnancy to term, including making it impossible for Kate to ever have a baby again. It will sterilize her. Kate needs that abortion now to protect her own health, too."