December 12, 2023

Fox News legal analyst Jonathan Turley expressed his dismay over Jack Smith's end run around Trump.

Rather than play whack-a-mole over "Presidential immunity" for the next year, Jack Smith took the issue directly to SCOTUS, asked for a fast-track decision, and is likely to get it. SCOTUS agreed to a hearing and demanded that Trump's lawyers respond to Smith's filing by December 20.

Short-circuiting Trump's delay tactics so fast that it's likely Donald soiled himself. And Turley and other Trump defenders are caught trying to counteract the brilliant maneuver.

Appearing on Fox News' America Reports on Monday, Turley offered up his own version of an Alex Jones conspiracy theory as to why Smith went to the Supreme Court.

"[Smith] is focused entirely on trying Trump [during] this campaign, and trying to convict him before the election," Turley said.

There's nothing absolutely wrong with wanting to try the case as quickly as possible. Not only do defendants have a right to a speedy trial, prosecutors do as well.

Roberts wondered if politics was the only motive for Smith's move.

“There's a tactical reason if Trump wins - he can pardon himself and then Smith will never see a jury in this case," Turley said. "I mean, so if Trump does prevail in the election, if he’s not convicted at that point, he can give himself a pre-emptive pardon. He doesn’t have to wait for the trial.”

"Trump will just pardon himself" isn't the flex you think it is, Jonathan. That means Trump admits he was guilty of a crime. And he can't pardon himself in the Georgia case. But you know that.

Maybe Jack Smith just wants to do his job?

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