December 26, 2023

A right-wing talk show host received a well-deserved lashing from the Internet after a post he made on Xitter to laud the United States for its architectural greatness while posting a photo of the Statue of Liberty, which France gave to our country in 1884 in its completed form as a gift of friendship.

Jesse Kelly, who claims to "speak truth to power," left out those little details when he wrote, "People love to sound sophisticated and brag about European art and architecture. I've seen America's, and I've seen what they've got. Theirs can't touch ours" along with a pic of the massive statue.

The Internet was swift in responding. And, of course, a "community note" was added to Kelly's post to correct it, but the glaring lie remains on Elon Musk's site. He swears he's not an idiot, though.

Sure thing, buddy.


Is it possible that Kelly was joking or trying to be edgy? Yes, yes, it is. It's also possible that he's just not very funny. Don't give up your day job, Jesse, unless talk radio is your job.

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