December 15, 2023

Thursday marked the 11th anniversary of the Sandy Hook massacre, in which 26 people at Sandy Hook Elementary School were gunned down in cold blood. Twenty of the victims were children.

Since then, there have been a staggering number of deaths from an unbelievable number of mass shooting, yet the only thing that our "leaders" seem to be able to do is offer up meaningless "thoughts and prayers."

On that sad anniversary, Mothers for Democracy, partnering with many other gun reform groups, are still leading the fight for gun reform and released this video as part of a call for action. They are raisng funds to continue to push for meaningful gun reform. They are asking for support as they continue to push for real change. If you are able to help, you can do so at their Act Blue page.

Even if you cannot donate, you can still do more than offer thoughts and prayers. You can make sure you vote in every election on every level. If the current bunch of NRA puppets aren't willing to prevent another Sandy Hook, we can elect people who will.

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