November 30, 2023

Tucker Carlson was quietly removed from the board of the media organization he co-founded in 2011—The Daily Caller, according to a previously unreported tax filing. Via the Daily Beast:

Carlson seems to have disappeared from the board of The Daily Caller News Foundation sometime in 2022, according to tax documents that the group recently filed with the state of New Mexico. But the precise timing is unclear. Given the tumultuous year for Carlson—who was fired from his primetime position at Fox News in late April amid a cascade of propaganda, lies, hateful vitriol, multiple lawsuits, and internal disputes—the timing could be critical.

[...] When the nonprofit submitted its annual registration with the state on Dec. 7, 2022, Carlson was listed as a director. But his name was not included in the annual registration the group filed earlier this month, nor was he listed among the board members on the 2022 tax return that the nonprofit submitted this September.

This year’s annual tax filings also disclosed that, in June 2022, the Biden administration forgave in full the second of the foundation’s two Paycheck Protection Program loans. The loans were taken out in 2020 and 2021, both for $306,707, and the first was forgiven the day after the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol. The Daily Caller website took out another $407,525 in 2020, which was also forgiven the day after the attack. (Two months after the second loan was forgiven in 2022, The Daily Caller published an aggregated article titled, “These Top Celebrities Took Advantage Of PPP Loans In Spite Of Their Wealth.”)

Well, of course they did. Hypocrisy has never been a problem for the right wing, they simply skip right over any inconsistencies!

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