November 3, 2023

While Trump's base eats up every word he says, the rest of us wonder why. Can't they see what we're seeing -- a serial fabulist trying to sell snake oil to his most desperate marks? Well, they don't see it, or they don't want to. Just after Judge Tanya Chutkan sent out procedures for jury selection, as Ron Fililpkowski notes, Donald Trump immediately started posting about "massive caravans" in screamy, shouty caps. And it's "headed our way!" Oh no!

He further says that President Joe Biden "has no idea what to do," adding that "we are truly a nation in decline. MAGA2024"

Remember when Fox News, without missing a heartbeat, would report on the scaravans to deflect from something else? Lumpy learned a few things from Fox.

In a separate post, he wrote,

Threat Level to the United States of America is at its HIGHEST LEVEL (EVER!). So what are they doing? Going after Crooked Joe's POLITICAL OPPONENT, ME. "Screw the Country, let's get TRUMP." What a group of LOSERS!!!

Twitter/X users jumped in:

There could very well be a "massive caravan" headed our way, but when you use that during every election cycle to scare the shit out of people into voting for you, it loses its fear-inducing tactics.

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