Fox News host Rachel Campos-Duffy repeated former President Donald Trump's false claim that Hamas had released no American hostages during the war with Israel.
November 26, 2023

Fox News host Rachel Campos-Duffy repeated former President Donald Trump's false claim that Hamas had released no American hostages during the war with Israel.

The remarks were first flagged on social media by BadFoxGraphics.

"I think a lot of Americans are asking why aren't more Americans part of these negotiations and part of this hostage release?" host Campos-Duffy said on Sunday before reading a social media post from the former president.

"Has anybody noticed that Hamas has returned people from other countries, but so far has not returned one American hostage?" Trump's message said.

As she read the post, Fox News displayed a graphic claiming, "No American Hostages Released From Hamas Yet."

"I mean, I think a lot of people believe we probably would have American hostages out," Campos-Duffy added. "And maybe this whole thing wouldn't have even happened had Donald Trump been in office."

In fact, two American hostages — Judith Raanan and her daughter, Natalie — were released by Hamas in October.

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