October 11, 2023

Sen. Tommy Tuberville turned into a massive Karen on Twitter over a tweet from former Director of the CIA and NSA, General Michael Hayden. You know how sensitive Republicans are.

Twitter user @nathaliejacoby1 asked, "Should Tommy Tuberville be removed from his committee?" and added, "Yes or No?" She included a photo of the ex-football coach turned pain in the ass Alabama Senator.

Hayden responded, "How about the human race?" That was enough to send conservatives on Twitter over the edge.

Hayden was called a "traitor," "felonious," "shameful," "Hamas," and "disgraceful," as well as a list of choice more words. Then Tuberville filed a report with the police, according to POLITICO congressional bureau chief Burgess Everett.

Everett reported Tuberville's response: "Given General Hayden's long career in Washington, he must have known that, by making such a statement, he was committing a serious crime ... My office has reported this incident to the Capitol Police."

Tuberville released a lengthy statement. He appears upset that Democrats haven't "condemned" his tweet.

Malcolm Nance responded.

Tuberville has other things to worry about. Like the military, for example. And like unclenching his butt and doing his job.

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