October 29, 2023

It feels like it was just last week when I told everyone to shut the fuck up about President Joe Biden's mental acuity. Wait a minute, it was last week. Last week, Trump was trying to say words after Biden had just returned from Israel while working on multinational issues. And now, the twice-impeached former President didn't know which city he was in.

Tonight, while in Sioux City, Iowa, Lumpy said, "A very big hello to a place where we've done very well, Sioux Falls," adding, "Thank you very much, Sioux Falls. Thank you."

A man rushed up on the stage to inform the dementia-ridden nutcase that he was not in Sioux Falls, South Dakota; thankyouverymuch.

"I'm in Sioux City," Trump said to the man. "Oh, it's, oh, it's, oh, yeah."

"So, Sioux City, let me ask you..." Trump said.

Twitter users weighed in:

Last week, Trump, once the President of the most powerful country in the world, confused the leader of Turkey with the leader of Hungary.

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