Ron Johnson Forgets He's A Senator, Endorses In Speaker Race
Credit: DonkeyHotey
October 6, 2023

Ron Johnson has had another incident that shows he is not doing too well. Apparently, on Thursday, he got confused as to where he was or what his job is. And he gave a full-throated endorsement regarding who he wanted to see become Speaker of the House, even though he is a Senator. RoJo was so carried away that he laid it on thicker than most members of the House have done:

RoJo's over-the-top endorsement is a bit of a surprise, considering that RoJo raised a family of his own, and his children in turn are raising their own children. One would think that he wouldn't want anything to do with the enabler of a child rapist.

I would also like to make a comment about RoJo's statement that Gym Jordan is a person of "high intelligence and integrity," but then I realized that RoJo is completely unfamiliar with both of those qualities himself,


Never forget that in 2010 Ron Johnson testified to protect the Catholic Church from sex abuse lawsuits. Because of course he did.

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