October 26, 2023

It only took the House GQP to find someone fascist enough to get TFG's blessing to be Speaker. While nominating Hakeem Jeffries to be Speaker, Representative Pete Aguilar tore into the GQP on their rationale for settling for Christofascist Mike Johnson:

"Has this been about a focus of House Republicans, to find the person who can pass their extreme litmus test to oppose marriage equality, enact a nationwide abortion ban without exceptions, gut Social Security and Medicare, and support overturning a free and fair election?" Aguilar asked to jeers from Republicans.

"This has been about one thing," he continued. "This has been about who can appease Donald Trump."

Aguilar accused House Republicans of putting "their names behind someone who has been called the most important architect of the electoral college objections."

One of the more emotionally stunted GQP members, Representative Anna Paulina Luna, instantly had an outburst to prove him right by blurting out, "Damn right!"

Republican "logic" is unfathomable. The GQP elected the guy who tried to steal an election thereby making sure they lose the next election. I just don't understand that campaign strategy.

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