“They don’t believe in governance ― understand that,” she said. “So this, for them, is not any break in the action. They don’t want any action. This is it.”
October 25, 2023

Last night, Rep. Nancy Pelosi appeared on All In With Chris Hayes, and urged Republican voters across the country to assert control over their party and dump the extremists -- and Trump. Via Yahoo News:

“Take back your party, the Grand Old Party, a great party that made such a contribution to our country,” the former House speaker said on MSNBC on Tuesday evening. “Who am I to be advocating for a strong Republican Party? But it’s what our country needs, in addition to a strong Democratic Party.”

Then she summed up what’s become of the GOP under Trump, calling it “a cult to really, effectively, a thug.”

Pelosi called on Republicans to embrace their true conservative selves and reject the “fringe element,” which toppled Rep. Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) from the speaker’s office and has left the House without a leader for three weeks.

“They don’t believe in governance ― understand that,” she said. “So this, for them, is not any break in the action. They don’t want any action. This is it.”

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