October 1, 2023

Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) advised CNN host Jake Tapper on Sunday that he had wasted his time by interviewing Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL).

Pelosi made the remarks just minutes after Gaetz told Tapper that he would try to oust House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) over a government funding bill.

"I will say this one thing, listening to your conversation, if that's a conversation, your back and forth there, it's such a fraud when they start, the basis of this is about spending," Pelosi said. "These are people who gave a tax cut to the richest people in America to the cost of $2 trillion to our national debt when what's his name [Donald Trump], was president of the United States."

"It's about a values debate, and you're wasting your time on that guy because he has no sway in the House of Representatives, except to get on TV and to raise money on the internet," she added.

Gaetz has said that he would push a motion to vacate the chair this week in an effort to remove McCarthy.

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