Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) said on Sunday he is "tired" of the behind-the-scenes battle for the next speaker of the House after he ousted former Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA).
October 16, 2023

Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) said on Sunday he is "tired" of the behind-the-scenes battle for the next speaker of the House after he ousted former Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA).

"I don't really understand why trying to move the House into a more conservative position, trying to get a more conservative House speaker would draw the ire of conservatives," Gaetz told Newsmax.

The lawmaker shared what he called "troubling news."

"After having elected Jim Jordan of Ohio, the House speaker designated on Friday, we took Saturday off, we're taking today off," he explained. "And I've just learned that pro tem Patrick McHenry will now ensure that we take Monday off and we don't vote."

"So I'm in this interview with you to turn up the heat on Patrick McHenry and any Republican who would try to delay a floor vote on Jim Jordan," he added. "If they don't want to vote for him, let him do it in public. I'm tired of these closed-door private struggle sessions that House Republicans have been having."

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