RSBN host Brian Glenn, who is dating Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA), explained that he sees liberal women as "the ugliest women."
October 2, 2023

RSBN host Brian Glenn, who is dating Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA), explained that he sees liberal women as "the ugliest women."

Before Donald Trump's remarks in Iowa on Sunday, Glenn said he believed conservatives were more attractive because they are happier.

"I believe that conservative and Republican people are better-looking people," Glenn told Trump attorney Christina Bobb. "They're happy. They're joyous. They exercise. They get outside. They enjoy the outdoors. They're proud of themselves."

"Liberal women tend to be some of the ugliest women I've ever seen," he added. "I mean, zero makeup... They take no pride in their dress, their attire, their makeup, their haircut. Half of them look like men. Hairy armpits, hairy legs. Come on."

Greene recently defended Glenn after old videos of him dressed in drag went viral.

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