"Russia is supporting the enemies of Israel...We will make sure that you pay the price for what you have done, you as Russia," said Amir Weitmann the head of the libertarian caucus in Israel's Likud Party.
October 20, 2023

Here's something you don't see every day, at least not on Russia's state-run news channels. Amir Weitmann accused Russia of supporting the enemies of Israel, and saying, "We will make sure that you pay the price for what you have done, you as Russia."

Source: Newsweek

An Israeli politician issued a warning to Russian President Vladimir Putin amid the ongoing wars in Israel and Ukraine.

Amir Weitmann, the head of the libertarian caucus in Israel's Likud Party, appeared on Russia's state-run RT News network this week and spoke about fighting between Israel and Hamas militants, as well as Russia's war with Ukraine.

While speaking about recent claims relating to al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza City, Weitmann criticized Russia, saying that "we're gonna finish this war, we're going to win because we're stronger. After this, Russia will pay the price, believe me, Russia will pay the price."

"Russia is supporting the enemies of Israel. Russia is supporting Nazi people who want to commit genocide on us and Russia will pay the price," Weitmann said. "We're gonna win this war. Afterwards, we're not forgetting what you're doing, we're not forgetting, we will come, we will make sure Ukraine wins. We will make sure that you pay the price for what you have done, you as Russia."

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