October 11, 2023

Is there anything that happens in the world that these propagandists won't use as an excuse to try to get Dear Leader out of trouble? Here's Fox's Laura Ingraham during the opening of her show this Tuesday, using the atrocities in Israel as an excuse to call for a "prosecutorial cease-fire" against Biden's "political adversaries" like Trump.

LAURA INGRAHAM (HOST): Alright, today, finally, Joe Biden emerged – 90 minutes late – to speak about, well, the evil attacks by Hamas against the Israeli people. Now, although he was unequivocal about America's support for Israel and the depravity of these incursions, there was no mention of Iran's role in the planning and the funding of these attacks. Nor did he announce any reconsideration of the $6 billion payment to Iran for that prisoner swap. Mostly, it was generalities.


PRESIDENT JOE BIDEN: This is a moment for the United States to come together to grieve with those who are mourning. Let's be real clear. There is no place for hate in America.


INGRAHAM: Okay, well, if he's really against hate, then he should call a prosecutorial cease-fire against his political adversaries like the former president, and direct his DOJ and DHS to stop making conservative Americans feel like they are the enemy or like they're the violent extremists out there.

They're still lying about the $6 billion being used for the attack, and Ingraham also seems to believe Joe Biden should be able to tell his Department of Justice how to handle prosecutions. Someone needs to remind her the DOJ is supposed to act independently and not follow political demands from the president of the United States.

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