September 14, 2023

After Sen. Mitt Romney had announced his decision not to run for re-election next year, he was asked about the House plans to desperately look for an excuse to impeach open an impeachment inquiry into Joe Biden.

“I haven't heard any allegation of something that would rise to the level of a high crime or misdemeanor,” Romney said. “I think it'd be very unusual to actually see a referral of impeachment. I don't expect that to happen.”

Romney knows a thing or two about impeachable offenses. He was the only Republican who voted to convict Donald Trump in his first impeachment trial and the only Republican who voted to convict Trump in both impeachment trials.

It would have been nice if Romney had blasted the House for ignoring the people's business in order to waste time with a MAGA stunt. But, apparently, he still has a few Republican f**ks left to give. “They can inquire and see if there's evidence that shows something else,” he added. “I don't think they'll find that. I don't know, but there's been no allegation of that.”

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