September 23, 2023

Judge Brian Lovell of Garfield County, Oklahoma, somehow ended up in Austin, Texas, about 500 miles from his home, and went absolutely nuts shooting up cars and trying to kill people:

According to the arrest affidavit, Lovell fired shots into at least five cars at the intersection of Matamoros Street and Santa Maria Street. Several cars were hit. Witnesses at the scene told police a man in white SUV was seen leaving the area.

Austin Police got a second call of a road rage crash that took place about 1.7 miles away near the intersection of East 7th Street and N IH-35 Service Road. According to the report, Lovell slammed his white SUV into the back of a woman’s car. The two reportedly got into an argument then Lovell allegedly “intentionally” hit the woman’s car a second time and attempted to push her vehicle into oncoming traffic.

Police found a gun and magazine in Lovell’s SUV. When they questioned the judge, he reportedly told officers he “did not know why he would have shot his gun and could not recall any part of the shooting incident.”

I would want to know why he felt he needed a gun in the first place. Unfortunately, the report doesn't include that tidbit of information. Nor does it mention whether alcohol or drugs were involved or if there is a family history of mental health concerns.

It does mention that the Oklahoma Supreme Court will decide what disciplinary action, if any, Lovell will face. I would suspect that such a decision will be a long time coming, especially since his legal issues in Texas have only just begun.

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