Fox News host Brian Kilmeade rebuked Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) for having unrealistic expectations about impeaching President Joe Biden.
September 7, 2023

Fox News host Brian Kilmeade rebuked Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) for having unrealistic expectations about impeaching President Joe Biden.

During a Wednesday discussion on the network about a possible impeachment inquiry, co-host Ainsley Earhardt noted that Gaetz was "threatening now to force an impeachment vote."

"He wants Joe Biden impeached, and he says he will oust Kevin McCarthy if he continues to slow walk," Earhardt reported.

But Kilmeade was not impressed.

"Who would he put there?" he asked. "[House Majority Leader] Steve Scalise, who's dealing with blood cancer right now? Is there anybody else?"

"Matt Gaetz is just speaking into the wind," Kilmeade added dismissively. "Have Matt Gaetz pick up the phone and call some moderate Republicans and see if he can switch to his side. McCarthy would be more than happy to let him do that."

Co-host Steve Doocy recalled that Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-CO) failed to kick off an impeachment effort earlier this year.

"That wound up, those articles of impeachment wound up in a committee where they are sitting," the host observed.

"Don't you think that Republicans would be for this if there is more information, if they can get to the bottom, if [Rep. James Comer] can get proof and he can get to the bottom of that, then Republicans would be all for it?" Earhardt said. "But they definitely need that proof in order to start an impeachment."

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