September 27, 2023

If the Fox News crew sincerely cared about crime in the U.S., they should check out Rep. Jim Jones' district. Ohio's murder rate is higher than that of New York, and even Manhattan alone. And then there's Rep. Kevin McCarthy, whose district is the murder capital of California. But these are not serious people.

"Jesse sent Johnny to the progressive hellscape where residents mocked the idea that the city is spiraling out of control," Judge Box O'Wine said to explain people's reaction.

"I've never seen any crime in Seattle," one man said. "I've never seen any of it. I've seen fun and laughter and laughter and fun."

"I don't believe that number," a woman said.

"People, they're getting robbed out here, carjacked," Johnny insisted.

"I've never heard of anyone getting robbed," the lady said.

"Crime is a social issue that could be solved by giving people their basic needs," another woman said.

"It's not a thing that happens just on the street," the previous woman said. "People don't just come up and try to rob people on the street. "Do you walk around every day like someone's gonna rob me every second?"

"Seattle decriminalized drug use, and then they criminalized it again," Johnny said.

"Oh my God, who are you getting these facts from?" the woman said. "You're from New York. Apparently, you're listening to the wrong people."

"I saw a lot of people shooting up on my way down here," the interviewer said.

"Oh, did you?" she said. "Okay. And they were bothering you?"

"I was in a car, but you know, people," he said.

"Oh no, you're in a car," the woman sarcastically said. "Oh no, they were hurting you so bad."

Now, they should interview people in McCarthy's district. Talk about a "hellscape." It is 2 1/2 times the murder rate of San Francisco. Nancy Pelosi's San Francisco.

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