Johnson Tries To Yell 'Squirrel!' Before Georgia Indictment
Credit: Screencap
August 15, 2023

Senator Ron Johnson (Q - Moscow) suddenly has new concerns about President Joe Biden. It just so happened to be just before TFG picked up his biggest indictments yet:

He tries to obfuscate things by throwing numbers around in a panic:

Joe supposedly reported $16 million worth of income after the Vice Presidency. How did he make that income? Is part of that 16 million the 10 million dollars the 5 million dollars he got from Uhh the bribe in Ukraine? We don’t know

He then speculates the House needed to do an impeachment inquiry to see if their should be an impeachment. In other words, he's getting to the level Republicans were at in 2015 when they had to investigate Hillary Clinton and Benghazi and then investigate the investigations to see if they should launch another investigation.

The really laughable part is that his concerns had already been addressed years ago. And Joe and Dr. Jill Biden made their money the old fashioned way - they earned it:

When Biden left the West Wing, the big money started coming. In 2017, the Bidens declared $11.1 million in total earnings, nearly twice as much in a single year as they had made in the previous 18 years combined. About $10 million of that flowed through two S-corporations called CelticCapri and Giacoppa. The Biden campaign explained in a press release last year that the money in those entities came from speaking engagements and book payments connected to Joe’s memoir, Promise Me, Dad, and Jill’s memoir, Where the Light Enters. Publishers Weekly reported in 2017 that the couple’s book deal with Flatiron Books was valued at $8 million. In February 2017, Joe Biden was also named the Benjamin Franklin Presidential Practice Professor at the University of Pennsylvania, a post that earned him a $372,000 salary that year.

The next year, Biden stayed on at Penn, earning $405,000. He and Jill also earned $3.7 million from their books and speaking gigs. Depending on where he was speaking, Joe Biden’s payout varied dramatically. He earned $8,000 for a stop in Ann Arbor, Michigan, for instance, but he received $190,000 for a speech in Madison, New Jersey, paid for by Drew University, according to his financial disclosure form. The Bidens’ earnings, which also included payments from pensions and Social Security, totaled $4.6 million in 2018.

Whether RoJo was trying to distract from TFG getting slammed with the biggest indictments yet or from the fact that the Republicans don't have a viable candidate for 2024 yet, he would have been much more effective pointing out a window and yelling, "Squirrel!: At least that would have been believable.

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