August 15, 2023

Coincidentally, Rachel Maddow had Hillary Clinton on as her guest last night.

"All over the country, people are wondering what Hillary Clinton is thinking, watching things unfold in Georgia," Maddow said.

"Madame Secretary, fancy meeting you here. I can't believe this. This is not the circumstances in which I expected to be talking to you."

"Nor me, Rachel," Clinton said.

Maddow asked if Clinton felt satisfaction in the Georgia indictments, since she warned America Trumo would try to destroy democracy."

"It's hard to believe," Clinton said.

"I don't feel satisfaction. I feel profound sadness that we have a former president who has been indicted for so many charges that went right to the heart of whether or not our democracy would survive.

"We don't know yet what the charges are coming out of Georgia, but if you stop and think about what the public evidence is, and you talk about some of that for the past hour, he set out to defraud the U.S. and citizens of our nation.

He used tactics of harassment, intimidation, made threats. He and his allies went after state officials, local officials responsible for conducting elections.

"Now we know they went into voting machines in order to determine whether or not those voting machines had somehow been breached, when they were the ones actually doing the breaching."

She said it was a "terrible moment for our country to have a former president accused of these terribly important crimes," and said the only satisfaction is that the system is working.

Hillary Clinton, class act all the way. I hope when she got home, she stripped off her clothes and danced naked around her living room.

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