August 27, 2023

Before the shooter, described by police as a White man in his early 20s, opened fire in a Dollar General store in Jacksonville, he was asked to leave the campus of a nearby historically Black university.

One of the shooter's firearms had a swastika painted on it. "He hated black people," Sheriff T.K. Waters told a news conference. The shooter took 3 innocent lives -- two Black men and a Black woman -- before turning the gun on himself. That was his only good shot. The shooter was outfitted with a tactical vest armed with an AR-style rifle and a handgun in the gun-friendly state of Florida.

Sheriff Waters said the shooter wrote several manifestos: one to his parents, one to the media, and to federal agents, according to First Coast News.

"Portions of these manifestos detailed the shooter's disgusting ideology of hate," Waters said. "Plainly put: this shooting was racially motivated, and he hated Black people."

"He wanted to kill [n-word]," the sheriff said. "That's the one and only time I'll use that word."

Where is the Governor after this act of racial terrorism?

After attacking Black people, Black history, critical race theory, wokeism, and loosening gun restrictions, Gov. Ron DeSantis, who is still in Iowa, called the shooter a scumbag. That's pretty much it, and he doesn't seem to have plans on returning to his state soon to comfort the victims' families. According to texts, DeSantis will "consider" flying to Jacksonville to do his job.

Do not accept 'thoughts and prayers' from our elected officials.

What can we do?

We tried a massive march on DC. Between 1.2 and 2 million people attended the March for Our Lives protest, making it one of the largest protests in American history. And yet, nothing happened as a result of that display of unity against gun violence.

We can only make our elected officials act on this crisis. Flood them with phone calls. Let them know you won't vote for them if they continue to ignore this issue. We've been warning against the gun epidemic for years, and now here we are with guns saturating our country. It's going to take a lot to unfuck this country up.

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