Former Rep. Max Rose (D-NY) argued on Monday that Republican presidential candidate Ron DeSantis would not be successful at resetting his campaign because it would not change his personality.
August 8, 2023

Former Rep. Max Rose (D-NY) argued on Monday that Republican presidential candidate Ron DeSantis would not be successful at resetting his campaign because it would not change his personality.

During a discussion on MSNBC, Rose explained why DeSantis should not expect to turn his campaign around.

"Let the flailing begin. You know, here's the thing about Ron DeSantis," Rose explained. "He can try to reboot his campaign all day long. He can't reboot his personality. He is not a good retail politician."

Rose suggested DeSantis had a false sense of popularity because "he had this little safe space that he had built up in Tallahassee for himself, where he was cocooned not just from regular normal people, but also from the media as well."

"Now he doesn't have that type of protection," he added. "And as a consequence, his numbers are sliding, sliding, sliding."

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