Weekly COVID-19 hospitalizations have risen by more than 12% across the country, according to new data from the CDC, marking a second straight week of this key indicator of the virus climbing. Via CBS News:
At least 8,035 hospital admissions of patients diagnosed with COVID-19 were reported for the week of July 22 nationwide, the CDC said late Monday, up from 7,165 during the week before.
Another important hospital metric has also been trending up in recent weeks: an average of 0.92% of the past week's emergency room visits had COVID-19 as of July 28, up from 0.51% through June 28.
The new figures come after months of largely slowing COVID-19 trends nationwide since the last wave of infections over the winter, and again mark the largest percent increases in these key indicators of the virus since December.
Joe Biden said he would follow the science. Well, looks like the Dems have decided to ignore the quieter damage done by covid until after the presidential election, and while I'm sympathetic to why he doesn't want to unleash the antivax madness again, I also know that the numbers of people with long covid continue to grow. It has changed my life for the worse -- and I'm doing a lot better than many of them!
"U.S. COVID-19 rates are still near historic lows after 7 months of steady declines. Early indicators of COVID-19 activity (emergency department visits, test positivity and wastewater levels) preceded an increase in hospitalizations seen this past week," CDC spokesperson Kathleen Conley said in a statement on July 25.
Conley said virtually all counties are at "low" COVID-19 hospital admission levels, below the thresholds at which the CDC recommends additional precautions to curb the virus.
Yes, of course it's encouraging that not as many people are still dying from it. Yay! But you just don't know if you're going to be one of the lucky people who get long covid -- and yes, it happens even to vaccinated people with mild covid cases.
Not to mention kids. A not-insignificant percentage of children with covid have long-term neurological symptoms, including seizures and brain damage. In adolescents, fatigue and shortness of breath.
Do yourself a favor, and mask up when you're indoors with other people.