August 7, 2023

Alina Habba, an attorney for Donald Trump, warned her client may have to spend his own money to defend his legal problems.

The Washington Post first reported Trump's political PAC had spent more than $40 million of donor money on his legal defense.

Habba confirmed to Fox News host Maria Bartiromo that "tens and tens of millions of dollars" of donor money had been used to fight Trump's legal problems.

"They have brought in people like myself who have nothing to do with these cases," she said. "And when you take a broad net, and you try and intimidate anybody who is part of his circle, whether—I couldn't even say inner circle, Maria. It's gone further than that. You know, the valet at Mar-a-Lago, the chefs, the whatever."

The attorney claimed Trump's indictments were part of the political strategy against him.

"And it is to make him bleed," she complained. "The problem is that President Trump is independently wealthy, as well, and they forget that. And he has said at rallies; I will do whatever it takes. If it means I have to spend my own money, I will."

"He is very protective and kind and generous," Habba added. "I don't know if they've seen, you know, his wealth, but it's probably not the best angle to go at."

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