July 6, 2023

This is the kind of smart, aggressive base-stealing we like to see from Democratic officials! Via the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel:

MADISON – Gov. Tony Evers, a former public school educator, used his broad partial veto authority this week to sign into law a new state budget that increases funding for public schools for the next four centuries.

The surprise move will ensure districts' state-imposed limits on how much revenue they are allowed to raise will be increased by $325 per student each year until 2425, creating a permanent annual stream of new revenue for public schools and potentially curbing a key debate between Democrats and Republicans during each state budget-writing cycle.

Evers told reporters at a press conference in the Wisconsin State Capitol on Wednesday his action would "provide school districts with predictable long-term increases for the foreseeable future."

And how did he do it? It. Was. Wonderful.

Let's see. The Wall St. Journal editorial board hates it, which is always a good sign:

So does Robin Vos!

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