July 19, 2023

Controversial Colorado Rep. Lauren Boebert just handed her Democratic challenger, Adam Frisch, an ad for him after organizers with Moms Demand Action and Lives Robbed handed out pamphlets dedicated to one victim, Maite Rodriguez. The organizers included a pin of Rodriguez's green Converse shoes in the booklet. Rodriguez could only be identified after the mass shooting by her green shoes. She was unrecognizable.

An organizer handed the pamphlet to the Colorado Republican and politely thanked her. In response, BoBo walked quickly to the trash and tossed it in the garbage.

Twitter users responded to the ghoulish freak of nature:

That "raggedy bitch."

Matthew McConaughey told us a little bit about Uvalde victim Maite Rodriguez:

Thankfully, BoBo's Democratic challenger is outraising her by 3-1.

And she calls herself pro-life.

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