July 15, 2023

As Ohio prepares to vote on August 8 on Ohio Issue 1 a Democratic super PAC put out this titillating ad.

How it registers with voters remains to be seen. Generally speaking, voters giving away their rights for nothing isn't that popular but Ohio Republicans have made a concerted effort to convince voters otherwise.

And of course the scumbags Ohio Republicans made the election in August after banning elections in August, making the "exception" because they dearly want that all-important low turnout to give them the best chance at passage and make their abortion ban permanent. Arseholes.

Source: City Beat, Ohio

A steamy political ad that was used to campaign against the re-election of Ohio congressman Steve Chabot has been tweaked for the Issue 1 debate.

In the ad, a man and woman are passionately kissing in bed, wearing only their underwear. "Do you have a condom?" the woman asks. He affirms that he does and opens the drawer of a nearby nightstand, reaching for the condom.

Suddenly, a hand snatches away the rubber, causing the couple to yelp and cover up with a sheet. The camera cuts to a much older, white-haired man, who creepily says, "Sorry, you can't use those."

"What are you talking about? Who are you?" the woman demands. "I'm your Republican Congressman. Now that we're in charge, we're banning birth control," he replies calmly.

The woman is clearly confused and disgusted. "This is our decision, not yours! Get out of our bedroom!" she tells him.

"I won the last election. I'm not going anywhere," he says matter-of-factly. "I'm just going to watch and make sure you don't do anything [dramatic pause] illegal."

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