July 16, 2023

Former President Donald Trump's behavior during the 187 minutes he refused to ask his supporters to cease their violent Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol probably speaks volumes to Special Counsel Jack Smith. It looks like, and I'm not positive, that the twice-indicted one-term loser has information that he's about to be charged under the Insurrection Act.

Trump's post from yesterday was deleted, then he edited out the "Insurrection Act" and put it in Espionage Act." Trump always tells on himself.


And after:

Lumpy's claim that President Joe Biden withheld 1,850 boxes of classified documents from his time as vice president is false. I know that shocks you. He refers to papers from the president's Senate career (1973-2009). Presidential records do belong to the public. However, records created from a senator's office are the senator's property.

Also, Trump wrote, "Whatever happened to the Biden Documents Case? 20 times more documents than I have, and I'm allowed to have under the Presidential Records Act, he's not."

The twice-impeached clown just admitted that he still has documents in his possession.

As far as Trump's Chinatown claims, documents were moved into an office in Chinatown temporarily before they were moved to the Penn Biden Center.

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