July 18, 2023

Fox News host Jesse Watters' mother was a guest on the premiere of his new Primetime slot (replacing Tucker Carlson, yeah) and she advised him not to fall into conspiracy rabbit-holes.

Watters began his inaugural program by giving the viewers a history lesson on his "progress" at the network for the last twenty years, and then got down to business.


"When cocaine showed up in the White House, we were not satisfied with the explanation," Watters said.

It's the same crap, different time on Fox News.

Watters brought on his mom (a Democrat) at the end of his program to ask how he was doing. Watters has mentioned his mother many times on The Five.

"Now, let's aim to have you keep your job. And to that end, I do have some suggestions. OK, do not tumble into any conspiracy rabbit holes. We do not want to lose you, and we want no lawsuit," Jesse's mom said.

She continued with instructions her son will never follow.

In keeping, I have a list here in keeping with the Hippocratic Oath.

Do no harm.

We need you to be kind and respectful.

You yourself mentioned that humble is a stretch.

So I guess that you use your voice responsibly.

To promote conversation that maintains a narrative thread.

There really has been enough Biden-bashing, and the laptop is old.

Perhaps you could suggest that your people take less interest, for example, in other people's bodies, and talk about that.

Unfortunately, that will never happen. Jesse Watters's frat boy, juvenile, hyperbolic act was the reason why he was given the 8 PM Eastern hour.

Conspiracies will abound on Primetime.

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