July 14, 2023

The IRS is showing off its new capability (thanks to the Inflation Reduction Act) to aggressively audit high-income tax dodgers as it makes the case for sustained funding and tries to avert Republican budget cuts. Via the Associated Press:

IRS leaders said they collected $38 million in delinquent taxes from more than 175 high-income taxpayers in the past few months.

In one case, an individual had used money owed to the government to buy a Maserati and a Bentley, and roughly 100 high-income individuals attempted to get favorable tax treatment through Puerto Rico without meeting certain tax requirements. Many of those cases are expected to face criminal investigation.

“It just shows you how much money is out there in delinquent taxes, and there are so many more cases for us to tackle,” said new IRS Commissioner Daniel Werfel, just four months into the job. “There’s just a significant opportunity there.”

If Republicans actually cared about the deficit (they don't), they would applaud this. They won't.

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