Homophobic Wedding Website Creator Getting Demolished On Yelp
July 1, 2023

On Friday, the last day of the 2022-2023 Supreme Court term, 6 justices decided that it was totally ok for a business to discriminate against an entire protected class. The case involved a wedding website creator named Lorie Smith who didn't even have a potential client in mind - she was just preemptively asking if she could get approval to discriminate if she was able to. And the Court said "sure, girlfriend! discriminate all you want!"

Her company, 303 Creative LLC, was immediately demolished on Yelp. And rightfully so.

Read Dee R.'s review of 303 Creative on Yelp

Read Crystal K.'s review of 303 Creative on Yelp

Read Tim P.'s review of 303 Creative on Yelp

Read Kim V.'s review of 303 Creative on Yelp

Read William S.'s review of 303 Creative on Yelp

Read Mark E.'s review of 303 Creative on Yelp

I hope she goes out of business and fast. Someone that lives a life of hatred like her does not deserve success. She deserves shunning.

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