July 21, 2023

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, the same one who has Donald Trump on speed dial, just slipped up again, this time endorsing the idea that no one is above the law “no matter who the person is.” Let the Democrats’ ad-making bonanza begin.

“[W]hen evidence and proof of a crime is presented,” Greene just said, on camera and for the congressional record, “no prosecution should be denied, no matter who the person is.” Hear, hear!

She was purportedly talking about Hunter Biden and the IRS and whatever other “Biden crime family” conspiracy theories are festering inside her brain. That’s not how it came out, though.

She’s still campaigning for Biden! Just last week, she inadvertently cut an entire ad for him by touting his economic successes, including “the largest public investment in social infrastructure and environmental programs.”

When it comes time for Donald Trump’s conviction on myriad charges, this video is sure going to come in handy.

Republished with permission from Daily Kos.

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