July 31, 2023

Trump's Watergate is stupid Watergate.

Greg Gutfeld makes a stupid excuse for Trump.

Greg Gutfeld thinks his audience is stupid (and he may be right about that).

Via Media Matters, Greg Gutfeld pretends that because the security tapes belong to Donald Trump, that means he can erase them whenever he likes.

Greg leaves out the part where Trump was made aware that there is a subpoena for the security tapes one day before he (allegedly!) instructed his underlings to destroy them. That's obstruction of justice, GREG.

Gutfeld also questions the timing of the new charges against Trump, because, in the opposite land where Gutfeld makes his living, the Trump indictments are a distraction from Hunter Biden. No, really.

GREG GUTFELD (CO-HOST): And this is amazing timing, as the -- Hunter's plea deal falls apart, that suddenly these new charges on Trump just happened to arrive.

And then, what about surveillance cameras? What's wrong with that? What's wrong with -- like, are those yours? Why can't you clear them? I don't understand that. They're not like other people's emails that you then, you know, disappear. But I'll leave that for another time because I'm not a lawyer.

Not a lawyer, Greg? That never stopped Tom Fitton from giving Trump advice that might directly send him to the slammer.

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